Low Productivity, Absenteeism, Inadequate skills, Excuses, Sick/Annual leave replacements, Hiring Challenges, Supervision issues?
These are common issues in IT departments at most of the organizations. Further, Overheads & Indirect costs ride heavily above employee salaries. All these factors take away quality time of CIOs & Senior Managers making them spend late evenings & weekends in office while struggling to cope up with their most important responsibilities towards organization’s business Objectives.
Availability of skilled IT Manpower resources
Availability of skilled IT Manpower resources in the areas of Help Desk, IT Support, Data-center Administration, Network & Telecom Administration, Information Security Management, Database Administration, Oracle, .Net, SharePoint, Web, Mobile Apps development as well as Project, Program & Portfolio management.
Short Term & Long term resource deployments
Short Term & Long term resource deployments; Onsite, offsite or combination of Onsite & Offsite.
Avoidance of problems
Avoidance of problems associated with recruitment, training & retention of people.
Get relieved!
Get relieved of functions related to Visa, Labor, Medical tests, Insurance, HR, Administration, Salary processing, Leave management, Air Bookings, Reimbursements, Tool kits etc. related to IT Manpower.
Improved IT users’ productivity & Satisfaction.
Faster resolution to IT related incidents.
Improved Business systems availability.